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and Dosage :
For wounds by knife, gunshot or traumatic injury, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, take with warm water.
For wounds with stagnated blood, swelling and pain, disease of gynecopathy, take with wine.
For initial stage of venomous sore, administer a dosage of 0.25g and apply on infectious area with a portion of Yunnan Baiyao Powder mixed with wine. Do not apply Yunnan Baiyao Powder on suppurative sore.
For slight injury and other internal hemorrhage symptoms, administer Yunnan Baiyao Capsule orally.
Oral Administration Dosage
1-2 capsules each time, 4 times daily. (for 2-5 years old children take 1/4 of dosage; 6-12 years old take 1/2 of dosage)
Take insurance pill (the red pill) for severe traumatic injury.
Animal (Bleeding Cancer in Dog, Cat etc.)
Yunnan Baiyao Capsules should be used only after consultation and in cooperation with your dog’s veterinarian.
General guidelines:
For dogs under 10 lbs, give 1 capsule by mouth one time a day.
For dogs from 10 to 30 lbs, give 1 capsule by mouth two times a day.
For dogs above 30 but less than 60 lbs, give 2 capsules two times a day.
For dogs above 60 lbs, give 2 capsules three times a day.
For cats refer to instructions above based on weight.
Best to give on alternating days, or for a 5-day on, 5-day off cycle that repeats.
occasionally reported are hypersensitive rash, tightness in the chest,
palpitation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, general intense itching, and
urticaria in the trunk and limbs.
Contraindication: It
is contraindicated in pregnant women,also in allergic diathesis.
broad bean, fish, and sour, cold food within one day after administration.
sure to clean the wound surface before external use.
sure to use the drug under the doctor’s supervision and control when high
dosage is needed clinically.
hypersensitive reaction occurs after administration,quit the drug at once and
give antihypersenstitive therapy depending on the severity of symptoms and in
the case of external use,first clear away the drug.
it with caution if you are athlete.
The insurance pill is placed in the middle of blisterpack.